The Stop Smoking Formula

  • The Stop Smoking Formula
  • The Stop Smoking Formula
  • The Stop Smoking Formula
  • The Stop Smoking Formula

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Health & Fitness
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 10.71 MB

Application Description

Quit Smoking Today… Without Cravings or Weight Gain! ***On Sale Until April 30th. Save $5.99***

This Doctor Reccommend app contains a New and Cutting Edge 5-Step Stop Smoking Program that uses the latest and most powerful techniques. Included is a hypnotic MP3 and two hours of video’s and exercises that will walk you through a simple but amazing conditioning process to help you stop smoking forever.

This app will retrain your mind and body so you no longer need cigarettes. You will actually feel really good without them and it makes quitting smoking surprisingly easy.

When you quit smoking with The Stop Smoking Formula

*** You will not need willpower
*** You will not gain weight
*** You will not feel deprived.

Over the past fifteen years, Bryan Mandrell, a Stop Smoking Expert has personally helped thousands of smokers just like you to quit smoking in his clinic.

Bryan has developed a unique 5-Step Stop Smoking Program that he uses every day and now it is available to you.

Bryan’s Stop Smoking Program is so innovative because he has discovered that smokers have three different types of cravings.

He will teach you what type of cravings that you have and how to instantly break that craving, putting you in control of cigarettes forever.

When you download the app now, here is what you will get…

*** Cutting Edge Hypnotic MP3
*** 14 videos walking you through Bryan’s 5-Step Stop Smoking process
*** Stop Smoking Exercises specifically designed to instantly bust your specific type of cravings
*** Stop Smoking Information specifically for men
*** Stop Smoking Information specifically for women
*** Stress Management Tools
*** All the support that you need to quit smoking forever

“It was so easy for me to quit smoking with The Stop Smoking Formula. I almost feel guilty because I know how difficult it can be to quit smoking. This has changed the way I feel about myself and smoking for the rest of my life and I am telling everyone that I know about this because it works!”
Mike S. Dallas, TX

Anyone can quit smoking using this system. It is as simple as downloading the app and then pressing play.

You can always choose another app if you want too, but you will never know what you missed out on because there is not another app on the market like this.

Remember, the average smoker spends over three thousand dollars a year on cigarettes.

The cost of smoking is always more expensive than quitting.

If you want to easily stop smoking and start feeling healthier, calmer and happier, this app is for you!

All you have to do click the download button now and your smoking problem is solved…


Your mobile device must have at least 10.71 MB of space to download and install The Stop Smoking Formula app. The Stop Smoking Formula is available on iTunes for $5.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Bryan Mandrell at

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