Spass - Score Cards With Lots of Cowbell

  • Spass - Score Cards With Lots of Cowbell
  • Spass - Score Cards With Lots of Cowbell
  • Spass - Score Cards With Lots of Cowbell
  • Spass - Score Cards With Lots of Cowbell

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Games
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 5.92 MB

Application Description

What is Spass?

~ A Common Scenario ~

You're playing a board game (or some other analog game involving wood pulp and social skills) with your friends and you need to keep score. You have a few alternatives:

paper & pencil

Usually in the form of a lopsided grid of abbreviated names and scores. This approach is rife with mental math pitfalls and funny looks from your friends when you can't subtract double digit numbers in your head.

n-sided dice

A favorite among AD&D-ers and CCG players. Includes the math pitfalls from above, plus you don't have any turn-by-turn score information.

an abacus

Seriously? That's actually kinda cool.

In either scenario, there is a considerable effort on the part of the score keeper to marshall data from air to paper and though you'd love to keep these unintelligible scraps of score cards for sentimental/analytical purposes, you usually end up losing them.

Enter: Spass

There are essentially three different things you can do each turn for each player: add to/subtract from the current score or set a new score.

Here's how Spass handles this: input a number and then tap the mode button (in any order) to tell Spass what to do with that input, then swipe to the next player. Spass gives you a preview of how each player's score is affected by your input and shows you a complete list of scores for each player per turn and how it changed from the previous turn.

No more ugly grids and mental math and no more wondering where the game went wrong.

Sounds great, but what's with the name?

Spass (or Spaß) is the German word for fun. The app eliminates the mental fatigue involved in keeping score so that you can have more fun with your game.


- Intuitive input with stylish animations
- Preview how your input affects each player's score
- View scores per turn for each player
- Skip players' turns going forward and reenable later
- Reorganize players during gameplay
- Save match data and view winner & final scores later on
- At-a-glance win/loss analytics per player


- iOS5+
- Fingers


Your mobile device must have at least 5.92 MB of space to download and install Spass - Score Cards With Lots of Cowbell app. Spass - Score Cards With Lots of Cowbell is available on iTunes for $1.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Tatami Software, Inc. at

Copyright © 2012 Tatami Software