
  • SitterSat
  • SitterSat
  • SitterSat
  • SitterSat

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 2.1
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Lifestyle
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 770.07 KB

Application Description

What is
It's a free web site. A free tool. A free utility. A specific niche, something for serious sitters and parents. for more details.

What it isn't?
It's not a social network. It's not Facebook. It's not Twitter. It's not Care, UrbanSitter or SitterCity. You don't find "friends" here or random sitters or parents you don't know. Those are great sites in their own right, but they aren't SitterSat.

SitterSat is for parents that use sitters a lot. Like several times a week. If you are a parent that doesn't know any sitters, don't use SitterSat, it won't help. It only connects parents and sitters together if they already know each other. But if you are, this site is for you. You post sitting jobs to sitters only in your circle, not blindly to anyone.

Fill up your circle with families you currently sit for. You don't find random families, parents or guardians you don't know that are looking around on the web for a sitter. Instead, you connect with and work with those that you already work with. You don't post jobs. You accept or decline jobs from jobs posted by parents directly to you.

What is your circle?
Whether you are a parent or a sitter you circle is the key to everything SitterSat. Once you've filled up your circle with sitters and families you know, you can use SitterSat (and this app) for speed and simplicity.


Your mobile device must have at least 770.07 KB of space to download and install SitterSat app. SitterSat was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of ZappenField, LLC at

Copyright © 2011 ZappenField, LLC