
  • Phranslator
  • Phranslator
  • Phranslator
  • Phranslator

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 2.1
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Reference
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 1.56 MB

Application Description

FREE because of CRASH on iOS5. I don't want you to pay for nothing.

I am WORKING to FIX it.

Phranslator = Browser +Translator +Foreign language teacher.

In short: browse the web - select text - tap 'translate' - save translation; start learning new words right now!

Some comments from around the world:
Spain: "Es super util para aprender idiomas, desde dentro de la aplicacion abres una pagina web extranjera y empiezas a leerla, y cuando te aparece una palabra que no conoces la seleccionas y te la traduce sin tener que salirte del genial!! :)" -this one is my favorite comment :)
Italy: "Davvero molto utile e di facile comprensione."
Israel: "I've been waiting for this kind of app for a long time"
USA: "Very Useful!" (
UK: "... this is just brilliant..."
Russia: " очень удобно!"
Canada: "This is a must have app"
Japan: "外国語でのネットサーフィンでも困らずにすみそうです"。
Orange Romania awarded it with #2 prize at the app development competition they organized this autumn

Phranslator is the only web browser which lets you SELECT AND TRANSLATE WORDS AND PHRASES. It teaches you foreign words and phrases while you are reading your favorite blog or website!

Find a word or phrase that you do not know? SELECT the WORD or PHRASE and tap 'TRANSLATE' in the menu that has just appeared. Phranslator shows you the translation right there on the screen!
By default, the translation is made automatically from the article's language into the language set on your device. If you wish the translation to be made into some other language, you may choose from 50 LANGUAGES available. Just turn ON the ‘ language selector’ .

To help you learn efficiently, Phranslator saves the translations in lists organized by date, so you will be able to consult them whenever you want.

From now on you won't need a dictionary while reading foreign texts!



Important Notes:

1) You must have internet connection while using the app, to be able to navigate to your online articles and to be able to translate. When there is no internet connection you may still consult the words previously translated.

2) For some words/phrases the translation may be inaccurate (even funny) - this being one of the limits of any machine-based translation.


Your mobile device must have at least 1.56 MB of space to download and install Phranslator app. Phranslator was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Alex Tau Alexandru Cezar Tau at

Copyright © 2010 Tau Alexandru Cezar