Long Pocket Tape Measure

  • Long Pocket Tape Measure
  • Long Pocket Tape Measure

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Productivity
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 458.69 KB

Application Description


*** Not tested or designed for iPad or iPhone 5 yet ***

The iPad just scales up the images - so it won't be accurate.

For those of you lucky enough to have iPad we are developing a native version of Pocket Tape Measure. This is expected to be available in the new year, and will let you measure to your heart's content!

If you still really want to buy the iPhone version for your iPad despite this - then, thanks!

Please also note that this app works best on the iPhone 4 & 4S. It works perfectly on all the 4s and 4Ss tested on - but was very sluggish on the 3G and there was noticeable lag on the 3GS - although it did still measure stuff!

This app seems to only get reviewed by people who are having problems. We regularly remove and reinstall this app on our own devices (all iPhone 4S) and it is working as intended. We would be very greatful to get some positive reviews from those who get the app working to address the balance of favour - but we'll leave this to you. Apologies to those having trouble with the app but please be assured your support in purchasing or downloading it is greatly appreciated and helps cover the development costs of improving it. We are looking at the code as it currently stands and seeing what we can improve upon - this includes porting the app to both iPhone 5 and iPad.

We have a website at last! It's a work in progress but it's coming together... www.time4apps.co.uk

*** Back to the good stuff... ***

Here it is: The Long Pocket Tape Measure!

The pocket tape measure is a SCROLLING tape measure. It doesn't use wind, sound, radio waves, rabbits or toast to measure objects - it uses the very simple idea of sliding your phone alongside the object.

No need to roll or flip your iPhone. No camera trickery or special distance scaling calculations to be made. No. Just simple tape measure logic.

Ideal for when you're out shopping, doing some short-notice DIY or just for those unexpected moments when you never thought you'd be reaching for your ruler... the Long Pocket Tape Measure is the only pocket measurement tool you need!

It's actually so simple to use it doesn't even need instructions - but I have provided them just in case ;-)

But we would be very pleased to see you measuring things - so upload your own too!

The Long Pocket Tape Measure is 2.5 metres in length so you can measure most day to day things with it - and for just £1.49 it's as cheap as any similar tape measure you'd buy in the shops - but this one will always be with you!

Check it out right now...


'Phozo - Noisy Photograph'
Phozo is very very simple. It's an app which lets you add a sound to an image. You can then send the resulting .phozo file to anyone via email and they can see/hear your creations. Phozo files have a benefit over sending a video as the files are TINY in comparison, which makes Phozo an ideal tool for lots of purposes. Coming soon: make your own Phozo albums!
Link: appstore.com/phozonoisyphotograph


Your mobile device must have at least 458.69 KB of space to download and install Long Pocket Tape Measure app. Long Pocket Tape Measure is available on iTunes for $1.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Time4 Richard Cunningham at http://www.time4apps.co.uk.

Copyright © 2012 Time4