Gran Fondo Guide

  • Gran Fondo Guide

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPad Ready
  • Category:Category: Sports
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 5.87 MB

Application Description

Gran Fondo Guide brings you the most comprehensive, up to date, news, results and events for Gran Fondo's in North America, Europe and worldwide.

Gran Fondo Guide also provides a comprehensive list of Century, Double Century and Cycle Tours in North America and Sportive's in Europe.

Gran Fondo's are mass participation cycling events that have enjoyed incredible popularity in Europe for decades and are beginning to gain momentum in North America and beyond.

Gran Fondo's were invented in Italy in the early 1900's and have been part of Italian cycling culture and tradition for over 100 years.

Gran Fondos are often named after famous cyclists of the past, or after companies with a long heritage in cycling. Some of the most famous Gran Fondo's include the Prosecco Cycling Classic, the Novi Colli and the Felice Gimondi.

Take a scenic, mountainous course and add several thousand cyclists ranging from pros to eighty-year-old cycle tourists. Mix in roving and fixed mechanical and medical support, feed zones manned by cheerful volunteers serving up sandwiches, fruit, and drinks, and traffic halted at intersections to let you pass. Garnish with enthusiastic and supportive spectators lining the course. Top it off with coverage by major cycling magazines. Energy, excitement, atmosphere!-- this is gran fondo, a phenomenon that took Italy by storm.

Gran fondo does not mean "big ride"- there are running and cross country ski gran fondos too. Some cyclists ride for the satisfaction and pride of just making it to the finish line. Others want to improve upon their previous times, and to challenge themselves, their friends, their teammates. And some ride to win if the front riders can race.

Just like in Italy, every Gran Fondo event includes challenging routes, electronic timing, fantastic giveaways, a consumer expo, well-stocked aid stations, mobile tech support and a fun post-race party.

Some of the larger events, as in Italy, have completely closed roads, for example, the Gran Fondo New York. Standards vary, so we aim to give a clear and concise guide from 2014 onwards, for each event, so riders know what to expect or in some cases, demand! This doesn't detract from the smaller events, it's all about knowing what your'e getting for your money.

In 2009 there were a handful of events, now in 2014 there are expected to be well over 125 events in North America alone and the scene is growing very quickly.

We aim to make you aware of all the events, news and results in one central hub for the North America, Europe and beyond in, english.

You never know - one day you might find yourself in the Italian Dolomites riding a Gran Fondo with 10,000 feet of climbing with thousands of cyclists from all over the world? Or - travelling across to the West coast to try out the Sierra Nevada mountains, or the east coast Allegheny mountains. What about the Rocky mountains?

Turn a dream into a reality and let Gran Fondo Guide help you along the way ...

One thing is for sure - cycling is part of the future in a big way on a global scale.

The latest news, results and events calendar for Gran Fondo events worldwide.


Your mobile device must have at least 5.87 MB of space to download and install Gran Fondo Guide app. Gran Fondo Guide is available on iTunes for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Mark Harding at

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