Elevated Math

  • Elevated Math
  • Elevated Math
  • Elevated Math
  • Elevated Math

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0.6
  • Device Type:Device: iPad Ready
  • Category:Category: Education
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 4.01 MB

Application Description

Elevated Math provides initial instruction or intervention on math topics that cover place value, estimation, large digit addition all the way through Algebra I (two years of math instruction!).

The app comes with two complimentary lessons and one complimentary career video. Besides these lessons the user must purchase additional lessons individually or in bundles.

The use of this app is restricted to non-commercial individual use.

Student print materials and Teachers' Notes for all lessons are available for download from the developer's website - www.elevatedmath.com.

With the hands-on uniqueness of the iPad platform, students are more engaged than ever, learning at their own pace and moving on with no gaps. And built within the graphic and cartoon animation, multiple voices, and lesson landscape of the Elevated Math app is a whiteboard for working out math problems.

Lessons are grouped into five math standards and are designed to conform to those recommended by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), state departments of educations, and the Common Core State Standards Initiative for developing concepts for grades 4-8. The lessons cover:

- Numbers and Operations – 40 lessons on whole number operations, integers, fractions, decimals, factors, decimal operations, exponents, powers, computational fluency of fractions, ratio, proportion, and percent.
- Measurement – 12 lessons on attributes and tools (the units, systems, processes, applications of measurement, and estimation), and perimeter, area, and volume.
- Geometry – 22 lessons on points, lines, angles and triangles, characteristics of geometric shapes, coordinate geometry and spatial visualization, and transformation of shapes
- Algebra – 90 lessons covering the concepts found in a middle grade Algebra 1 class. Patterns are represented and analyzed, and linear functions are represented with tables, graphs, verbal rules, and symbolic rules. Nonlinear relationships are studied, as are polynomial, exponential, and rational functions. Expressions are manipulated and simplified, and equations and inequalities are solved. And much more…
- Data analysis and probability – 9 lessons include selecting and using appropriate statistical methods for data analysis, developing inferences and predictions based on data, and applying basic concepts of probability typically covered in grades 6-8.

Top college entrance exam tutors have bundled specific lessons deemed highly relevant for raising SAT and ACT test scores.

Included in the app are a series of career-oriented live-action videos that answer the frequent question: “Why do we need to learn this stuff?” These documentaries focus on individuals who are using math in their jobs and include a jazz musician, a stunt pilot, an animator, a landscape architect, a chocolatier, and fifteen others.

For more information, to download the complete scope and sequence, read endorsements, access teacher notes and student print materials, or follow our blog go to www.elevatedmath.com.


Your mobile device must have at least 4.01 MB of space to download and install Elevated Math app. Elevated Math was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Elevated Lab Press at http://elevatedmath.com.

Copyright © Elevated Lab Press 2011