Commitment Tracker

  • Commitment Tracker
  • Commitment Tracker

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Utilities
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 498.15 KB

Application Description

Go on a diet, reduce over spending, stop drinking, stop smoking, stop swearing, start complimenting, start listening better, stop speeding, improve punctuality, start exercising, stop gossiping. etc., etc.
Accomplishment of any of the above issues will require a sincere COMMITMENT. This app will help you track your commitments and keep score on your overall success or failure.
Making commitments require you to:
1. Define the issue or problem.
2. Create a plan of attack which may require outside assistance.
3. Know your enemy and learn to "Overrule your devil". Your ability to be successful comes down to this: can you override "hungry" when hungry has power over you?
4. Make a public profession. Tell the people that are meaningful to you that you are making this commitment and that no matter what happens you intend to succeed. A public profession will force you to have "skin" in the game and help to insure your success. Use Facebook or Twitter.
5. Rejoice in your Success! Yes! Making a serious and sincere commitment is the hard part. You will soon begin to benefit from the results of your plan.
The app is free and very simple to use. Just follow screen instructions to ADD a commitment. When you feel like the commitment has been completed, press the "Completed" button.


Your mobile device must have at least 498.15 KB of space to download and install Commitment Tracker app. Commitment Tracker is available on iTunes for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of MediaClick Steven Cox at

Copyright © 2011 MediaClickApps