Comfortable - Google Reader and Readability client

  • Comfortable - Google Reader and Readability client
  • Comfortable - Google Reader and Readability client
  • Comfortable - Google Reader and Readability client
  • Comfortable - Google Reader and Readability client

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.3
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: News
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 5.64 MB

Application Description

***Check out "Complete - Reminders, Tasks and Grocery" our newest amazing app***

Comfortable is an awesome and lovely app to read news on the go. And with all those amazing features, you're going to put it on top of your list. Oh and it's built by a 16-year-old developer.

◉ Design matters
Comfortable is beautifully designed and crafted with love so everything you do feels natural, fluid and memorable.

◉ Google Reader
Introducing the full Google Reader experience, along with subscription management and mark to read as you scroll, Comfortable raises the bar even higher for all reading apps out there!

◉ Readability
Comfortable brings the best Readability experience for your phone! Having support for everything you like in Readability, along with the new Tags feature, it’s simply stunning how far everything has been implemented.

◉ Standalone
That’s what differentiate Comfortable from all others! You don’t have Google Reader or Readability account? No problem, there is an in-app feed management with categories, feed searching, Readability support, and there are those little great features that makes you wanna use it!

◉ Shelf
For the times where you just need to read something later, Shelf is the place where you can save every article you want for offline reading, and it’s widely supported from all of the services you will find in Comfortable.

◉ And all the other little things...
There is so much more you'll like about Comfortable. Swipe when reading article to go to next/previous article. This combined with the great Full screen feature make Comfortable really powerful. You can just enjoy it and focus on what’s important. When in “Editing” mode in Google Reader and Standalone you can easily rename subscriptions, folders and tags with just a tap. Swipe article cells to favourite/archive/star items (depends on service). Open your article in Safari or Chrome. Share what you read or save it for later using the existing services you love and know. (Facebook, Twitter, Instapaper, Pocket, Pinboard, Delicious, Kippt, Readability)
All these little things make Comfortable a great experience to remember!


Your mobile device must have at least 5.64 MB of space to download and install Comfortable - Google Reader and Readability client app. Comfortable - Google Reader and Readability client was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Daniela Petrova at

Copyright © 2012 Daniela Petrova