
  • BabySee
  • BabySee
  • BabySee
  • BabySee

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.01
  • Device Type:Device: iOS Universal
  • Category:Category: Education
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 5.48 MB

Application Description

"What does my baby see?" This question comes to mind the moment a baby's eyes first open. Can she see my face? Can he tell if I am smiling? What about colors? As it happens, scientists have devoted years learning about how the eye and brain develop and conducted hundreds of studies learning how babies discern clarity, color, and contrast. Boston children’s ophthalmologist and researcher David G. Hunter, MD, PhD has worked with a scientific and engineering team to create the BabySee infant vision simulator to bring the science of visual development in infants to life in real time. By purchasing this app you will not only see the world through your child’s eyes, you will also learn about what tests your child’s doctor is advised to perform during well child visits.

REBIScan, a company that is developing new technology that will assist in the early detection and treatment of vision loss in children, has sponsored the creation of this fun and educational app. All funds raised from your purchase will support REBIScan’s efforts to develop technology that will help pediatricians detect eye disease in children when it first develops at a time that it is most amenable to treatment.

The BabySee app has the following features:

-Enter and save your child’s name and date of birth
-Real-time video image simulates visual clarity, color, and contrast at given age
-Use front or back camera on your device
-Touch and hold your device screen to compare infant vision with normal adult vision
-Save snapshots (along with name and age) to your BabySee album
-Share favorite images via email, Facebook, and Twitter
-Learn official recommendations about what pediatricians are supposed to test at your child’s next scheduled visit
-Page through the BabySee album as your child grows to review changes in normal vision over time
-Store images for more than one child in your BabySee album
-Link to scientific articles to learn more about how infant vision develops and is tested
-Purchase price supports REBIScan’s pediatric vision testing technology development.


Your mobile device must have at least 5.48 MB of space to download and install BabySee app. BabySee was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $2.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of REBIScan REBIScan, Inc. at

Copyright © 2013 REBIScan, Inc.