A SaltFish HD AP

  • A SaltFish HD AP
  • A SaltFish HD AP
  • A SaltFish HD AP
  • A SaltFish HD AP

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.02
  • Device Type:Device: iPad Ready
  • Category:Category: Book
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 51.47 MB

Application Description

* This is an imaginative story related to salt of ocean and ecology of salmon. It is a remade story of salt millstone tale fable which are spread all over the world.
* This is a full-interacted fairy tale story for children. It is a new type of story telling method with much more interaction than paper books.
* It is provided with narration and text at once in 4 languages such as English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
* Children can experience the new world of story telling through oriental illustration in the book.

* 전 세계적으로 분포되어 있는 소금맷돌 설화를 각색/창작한 작품으로 바닷물의 소금성분, 연어의 생태와 관련된 재미있는 상상을 엮은 스토리 입니다.
* 아이들을 위한 Full-interaction 동화책으로 읽고 느끼는 책의 한계를 책과 더욱 풍부하게 교감할 수 있는 새로운 타입의 창작 동화 입니다.
* 영어, 한국어, 일본어, 중국어등 4개국어를 동시에 제공합니다.
* 동양풍의 일러스트를 통해 신선한 체험을 아이들과 함께 할 수 있습니다.

* 全世界に分布されている塩の臼の説話を脚色/創作した作品で、海の塩の成分、サーモンの生態に関する面白い想像で作ったストーリです。 
* お子供たちのための Full-interaction 童話で、紙で作った本の限界を飛び越えたe-bookでもっと豊かに交感できる新しいタイプの童話です。 
* 英語、韓国語、日本語、中国語などの 4ヶ国のナレーションとテクストを同時に提供します。 
* 東洋風のイラストで新しい 体験をお子供たちと一緒に楽しめます。

* 这是通过分布在全世界的传说《食盐石磨》改编的,关于海水中食盐和鲢鱼的异想天开趣味横生得故事。
* 这是专为孩子们全互动的童话书,拥有着超出书面之上给人以多种体验的新型童话形式。
* 关于本书中的叙事文字,我们同时提供了英文,韩文,日文,中文四种语言。
* 通过亚洲东方风格的插画 给于孩子们更新鲜的阅读体验。


Your mobile device must have at least 51.47 MB of space to download and install A SaltFish HD AP app. A SaltFish HD AP was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $2.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of i-storybook PentaBreed Co., Ltd at http://www.i-storybook.com.

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