1000 Guitar Music Scores - The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection

  • 1000 Guitar Music Scores - The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection
  • 1000 Guitar Music Scores - The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection
  • 1000 Guitar Music Scores - The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection
  • 1000 Guitar Music Scores - The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPad Ready
  • Category:Category: Music
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 226.06 MB

Application Description

*** OPENING SALE! ONLY $0.99 (from $9.99)!! DOWNLOAD NOW ***
*** Include easy pieces for beginners! ***
The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection is the most comprehensive collection of guitar scores on the App Store. Featuring the work of more than 150 composers around the world and 1000 guitar scores in a single convinient app, this is truely the only app you will ever need as a guitar player!. Forget about other apps which charges you more to download additional content, you get 1000 scores in one single download!

1000 Guitar Music Scores features scores of a wide variety of styles and difficulty levels, ranging from beginner instructions to scores for skilled guitarists, you will definitely find something you enjoy!

* Less than a PENNY per score!
* Offline reading requiring 0 connection after downloading
* Works of more than 150 composers!
* Instructions for beginner guitar players!
* 15 Varieties of styles such as Romantic, Classical, Modern, Folks, etc
* Tag the pieces to easily find them later
* Search by composer, title or the Op number
* Sort the pieces by title, composer, year or the music style
* Use it with your favorite orientation (Portrait or Landscape)
* Printing, email music score (IAP Feature)


Your mobile device must have at least 226.06 MB of space to download and install 1000 Guitar Music Scores - The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection app. 1000 Guitar Music Scores - The Ultimate Guitar Score Collection is available on iTunes for $6.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Pocket Software Kuo-Chen Fang at http://www.pocketsoftware-inc.com.

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