The Pocket Scavenger

  • The Pocket Scavenger
  • The Pocket Scavenger
  • The Pocket Scavenger
  • The Pocket Scavenger

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.1
  • Device Type:Device: iOS Universal
  • Category:Category: Entertainment
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 10.32 MB

Application Description

The Pocket Scavenger " onto something that other app-makers have been trying to get at for a long time: the element of serendipity and spontaneity in our social media experiences…. an app that attempts to bridge the divide between our mobile devices, our muses, and objects directly in front of us." –-Apartment Therapy

"In a world where it’s all about ‘rush, rush, rush’ from one activity to the next, faces buried in hones, author Keri Smith brings a concept designed to make you stop and look around you, and maybe even see the potential beauty in the most ordinary of objects. The Pocket Scavenger is a book and app that turns you into a scavenger, an artist, and so much more." –-Games Fiend

From the creator of Wreck This App and This Is Not an App comes a whole new imaginative app experience, one that encourages you to use your phone or tablet to actually interact more with the world around you.

With The Pocket Scavenger app, you'll be asked to find and photograph a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more. Once your quarry is in site, you can choose to be assigned an alteration dictated solely by chance: create a funny character, conceal it, add a family member, photograph it at night, make it "pretty," and so on. After completing a scavenge you can upload it to the map and see what scavenges are going on around you. You can also share your scavenges through Twitter and Facebook and before embarking on a new hunt.

By incorporating chance into creativity, you'll be forced out of habitual ways of thinking or acting, discover new connections, and interact with the world around you in ways you might not have imagined before.

NOTE: In order to place your scavenges on the map for Fellow Scavengers to see you will need to be signed in to Twitter.


Your mobile device must have at least 10.32 MB of space to download and install The Pocket Scavenger app. The Pocket Scavenger was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $4.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Penguin Group USA Pearson PLC at

Copyright © Peguin Group (USA)